Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Words related to minerals, smithy, weapons and metals in the Rigveda:

atas = combustible material, firewood (RV. 1.58.2, 4; 2.4.7; 3.7.3; 4.4.4; 4.7.10; 10.89.5)

ayas = metal (copper-bronze)(RV. 1.57.3; 1.163.9; 4.2.17; 6.3.5; 6.47.10; 6.75.12; 10.53.9-10)

ayasmaya = pitcher (RV. 5.30.15)

ayodam.s.t.ra = fire that bites metal (RV. 1.88.5; 10.87.2)

a_yasi_ = metallic (RV. 1.116.15; 1.118.8; 7.3.7; 7.15.14; 7.95.1; jan:gha_ a_yasi_m = artificial metallic leg for vis'pala_ (RV. 1.116.15; 1.118.8); also used to qualify city, fort.

    pura a_yasi_ = city, building, fort, body-metallic (RV. 1.58.8; 2.20.8; 4.27.1)

a_ha_va = metallic pitcher; later, Pa_n.ini defines as cattle-feeding water vessel (RV. 1.34.8)

is.u = arrow (RV. 1.13.4; 1.64.10; 2.24.8; 5.57.2; 8.7.4); a_la_kta_ ayomukham is.u = poison and metal-tipped arrow (RV. 6.75.15); cf. Pa_n.ini 6.2.107

r.s.t.i = javelin (RV. 1.37.1; 1.64.4; 1.166.4; 1.169.3; 5.52.6; 5.54.11; 5.57.2; 8.20.11)

karma_ra = metalsmith (RV. 10.72.2 brahman.aspatieta_ sam karma_ra iva_dhamat, deva_na_m pu_rvye yuge asatah sadaja_yata = metalsmith who blows in a furnace and makes metal objects presumably by casting of molten metal).
ka_rma_ra = metalsmith who makes arrows etc. of metal (RV. 9.112.2: jarati_bhih os.adhi_bhih parn.ebhih s'akuna_na_m, ka_rma_ro as'mabhih dyubhih hiran.yavantam icchati_)
kulis'a = axe, kut.ha_ra   (RV. 1.32.5)

kr.ti = sword (RV. 1.168.3: has.tes.u kha_dis'ca kr.tis'ca = a guard and a sword; that which cuts. Sword (or scissor?). In Pa_n.ini, kr.ta (7.2.57) means 'to cut into pieces'.

ks.ura = razor (RV. 1.166.10; 8.4.16; 10.28.9); yada_ te va_to anuva_ti s'ocirvapteva s'mas'ru vapasi prabhu_ma = with wind at its back, fire wipes out the trees and forests and 'shaves' the land just as the barber shaves (with a razor)(RV. 10.142.4)

khanitra = spade or digging tool (RV. 1.179.6: khanama_nah khanitraih = by the digging spade).

khanitrima = that which is obtained by digging (RV. 7.49.2: sravanti khanitrima_ = flowing canal obtained by digging).

kha_di = arm-shield (RV. 1.166.9); hastes.u kha_di (RV. 1.168.3); kha_di hastam (wristlet or bangle or armlet: 5.58.2); patsu kha_dayo (anklet: 5.54.11; am.ses.u (skandhe) kha_dayo (shoulder decoration: 7.56.13)

ghan = hard (weapon(RV. 1.8.3; 1.33.4)
tamba = pitcher, metallic poitcher ayastamba (RV. 5.30.15); cf. TA-BI-RA in substrate Sumerian meaning 'merchant'.
da_tra = sickle (for cutting crops such as barley)(RV. 8.78.10); Pa_n.ini calls this serrated sickle or crooked knife (3.2.182, 8.4.52)
dra_vayati - melts or to melt (RV. .3.4); dravi = smelter or metalsmith who melts metal (RV. 6.3.4: tignam...paras'uh na jihva_m dravirna dra_vayati da_ru dhaks.at: fire devours wood with its axe-like sharp tongue, just as the smelter melts the metal).
dravin.a = the wealth or gem that is obtained by melting, e.g. gold and silver (RV. 4.5.11; 4.23.4; 4.33.10; 9.109.9; 10.70.7)
dhama = to blow (in a furnace)(RV. 10.72.2)

dha_ra_ = sharpened edge of a metallic weapon; ayaso na dha_ra_m (RV. 6.3.5; 6.47.10)

dhma_tari_ = the blower or the metalsmith; dhma_teva dhamati s'is'ite dhma_tari_ yatha" = as the blower blows to produce sharp flame (RV. 5.9.5)

nis.ka = gold ornamental pieces to decorate the neck (RV. 2.33.10); may also mean gold coins (RV. 1.126.2; 4.37.4; 5.27.2), alludes to goldsmith (RV. 8.47.15)

nis.kagri_va = golden necklace (RV. 5.19.3)
pavi = spear sharpened (RV. 10.180.2: pavim tignam)
pavitra = purifier or strainer (of soma)(RV. 1.28.9; 3.36.7; 8.33.1; 8.101.9)
paras'u = axe (RV. 1.127.3; 6.3.4; 7.104.21; 10.28.8)(s'is'ite paras'um sva_yasam = sharpened metallic axe (RV. 10.53.9); pra_ca_ gavyantah pr.thupars'avo yayuh da_sa_ ca vr.tra_ hatama_rya_ni ca = with big axes came to the east the cow-plunderes -- the Da_sas as well as some A_ryas (RV. 7.83.1) In Pa_n.ini it means a curved knife or axe or sickle (5.3.117)
pa_s.ya = stone (RV. 1.56.6)
pha_la = plough (RV. 4.57.8; 10.117.7)
ba_n.a = arrow (RV. 6.75.17)
bhurija = carpenter's tool to make chariot (RV. 4.2.14; 8.4.16; 9.71.5)
rajata = silver (RV. 8.25.22)

rayim = wealth (RV. 1.73.1; 1.159.5; 2.21.6; 3.1.19; 4.2.7; 4.34.10; 4.36.9; 5.33.6; 6.6.7; 6.31.1); ra_ya = treasure or wealth (RV. 8.4.15-16) Is rayim derived from rajata = silver?
rasa = liquid essence, extract, juice (RV. 1.23.23; 1.187.4-5; 5.43.4; 6.44.21)

ra_dhas = wealth (RV. 1.9.5; 1.17.7; 2.13.13; 2.22.3; 4.32.21; 5.13.6; 5.38.1). In 5.52.17 ra_dha_ is connected with yamuna_, the wealth of cattle and horses in the valley of the yamuna_: yamuna_ya_madhi s'rutamudra_dho gavyam mr.je ni ra_dho as'vam mr.je
rukma_ = chest ornament (made of gold)(RV. 1.166.10; 2.34.2 and 8; 5.53.4; 5.54.1; 5.55.1; 5.57.5; 8.46.33; 9.15.5: vaks.ahsu rukma_)
la_n:gala - plough (RV. 4.57.5 s'unam kr.n.atu la_n:galam = let the plough cultivate well)

vajra = thunder. spear. harpoon to be thrown or barbed harpoon for fighting (RV. 1.33.2; 1.51.7; 6.23.4)

vadhara = weapon (RV. 1.32.9; 4.22.9; 8.24.27)

varman = protective shield, breast armour (RV. 1.31.15; 1.140.10; 6.75.1; 8.47.8; 10.107.7)

va_s'i_ = metallic tool-chisel, axe or adze (RV. 1.37.2; 1.88.3; 8.29.3); in the neolithic age, this was made of stone: as'manmayi_ va_s'i_ (RV. 10.101.10)
vis'pala_ (RV. 1.116.15: jan:gha_m a_yasi_m vis'pala_yai = the lady with metallic leg)(RV. 1.112.10; 1.117.11; 1.118.8; 10.39.8)
vr.ka = plough (RV. 1.117.21)(RV. 8.22.6= yavam vr.ken.a kars.a_thah)
ves'i_ = needle (RV. 7.18.17)

s'ara = arrow (RV. 1.148.4; 10.125.6; 10.178.3); sharpened arrow = s'arva_ s'is'a_nah (RV. 10.87.6); s'arya, s'arya_ = arrow (RV. 1.119.10)
s'aru = arrow (RV. 1.100.18; 1.172.2; 1.186.9; 4.28.3; 10.87.6; 10.125.6); in 2.12.10 it may mean a spear.

s'una_si_ra_ = plough (si_ra_) and its tip (phala_)(RV. 4.57.5 and 8); si_ra_ = plough (RV. 10.101.3-4); same meaning in Pa_n.ini (6.2.187)

s'u_la = metal spike (RV. 1.162.11)

su_ci = needle for sewing (RV. 2.32.4: ra_ka_maham suhava_m..si_vyatvapah su_cya_cchidyama_naya_ dada_tu = let the Goddess Ra_ka_ sew with needle our destination (a baby).

sr.ka = spear or harpoon to be thrown (RV. 1.32.12; 10.180.2); sr.kam sams'a_ya = shapened spear (RV. 10.180.2)

sr.n.i_ = sickle (RV. 10.101.3 = it sr.vyah pakkameya_t = let sickles fall on the ripe harvest)
su_na = knife (RV. 1.162.13)

swadha_ = ornament (RV. 4.10.6)

swadhiti = axe to cut wood and forests (RV 2.39.7; 3.2.10; 3.8.6 and 11; 5.7.8; 7.3.9; 8.102.19; 10.89.7; RV. 3.8.11); may also mean sword (RV. 2.39.7: ks.n.otren.eva svadhitim sam s'is'i_tam = shapen the swords/axes on the whetstone)

sa_yaka = arrow (RV. 2.33.10; 10.48.4)

hiran.ya = gold (RV. 1.22.5; 1.33.8; 1.43.5; 1.122.2; 1.162.16; 2.33.9; 3.34.9; 4.17.11; 9.112.2) hiran.yasyeva kalas'am = golden pitcher (RV. 1.117.12); hiran.ya karn.a = one with golden ear ornament or ring (RV. 122.14); ghr.tam na pu_tam tanuh...s'uci hiran.yam, tatte rukmo na rocata svadha_vah = fire, your appearance is like purified clarified butter and pure golden ornaments (RV. 4.10.6).

hiran.yavartani = golden way or river whose bank-sands contain alluvial gold particles (RV. 6.61.7; 8.26.18; 10.75.8)

heti = weapon (RV. 1.103.3; 1.121.10; 3.30.17; 6.62.9).

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